50,000 meals and growing!

We've donated 50,000 meals in 12 communities as part of our Food Security Campaign. These meals have nourished countless individuals and families, providing sustenance, hope, and resilience to those facing food insecurity.​

50,000 meals and growing!

Food Security Campaign logo

Innovation Federal Credit Union Food Security Campaign

Inflation is still being felt by all of us, especially those in need.

Their reliance on charitable organizations to help them get by and even to survive is critical. Yet those very organizations also feel the trickle-down effect of inflation – greatly impacting their ability to serve those in need.

Innovation has long been committed to making a difference in the communities we serve. One of our most impactful initiatives is addressing food insecurity. The Innovation Food Security Campaign supports local registered charitable organizations. ​View a blog on the program's history!

​Since 2021, this Campaign has expanded its reach by partnering with more organizations in more communities. ​Our members make this possible! ​

If you would like to donate as well, please see the listing of the 14 organizations we have chosen to partner with.​

1 meal = $5 donation (based on an average taken from the six organizations)

The Concerning Statistics

Increase in Canadian food bank usage since 2020

Of food bank users are children

Canadians experience homelessness on any given night

Canadians a year experience homelessness

Canadian food bank meals were served in the month of March 2022 alone


  • Second Nationally Coordinated Point-in-Time Count of Homelessness in Canadian Communities 2019
  • HungerCount 2022

We Proudly Support Local Community Organizations Making a Difference 

The Outstanding Organizations We've Donated Over 50,000 Meals To

Boys & Girls Club Battlefords

Innovation Grub Club

Saskatoon Friendship Inn Meal Sponsorship Program

Serving warm meals to those experiencing homelessness.​

Swift Current Salvation Army Food Bank and Wednesday Night Meal

Providing comfort and nourishment.​

Regina Food for Learning

Providing nourishing food to children in schools.​

Aboriginal Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan

(Île-à-la-Crosse, Buffalo Narrows, La Loche)
Bridging cultural gaps by extending to Northern Communities and ensuring no one goes hungry.​

Regina Foodbank

Neighbours feeding neighbours.​

Souls Harbour - Regina

Offering hope and sustenance

Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre

Ensuring a food secure community.

Battlefords District Food & Resource Centre

Serving our community with a variety of food programs.​

Meadow Lake Food Bank and Door of Hope Soup Kitchen

Filling empty stomachs.​

University of Alberta Campus Food Bank

We believe students should hunger for knowledge, not food.

Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids (BB4CK)

Communities caring for kids

Winnipeg Agape Table

Providing a community-based program, nourishing the body, mind, and spirit of our guests.

Toronto Out of the Cold

Responding in a meaningful way to the basic physical needs of shelter, food and warm clothing for the less fortunate members of our society.

La Loche Ducharme Elementary School

Breakfast Program