February 15, 2018

We’re expanding our hours of service

Innovation Credit Union is pleased to announce expanded hours of service effective March 1, 2018. The Buffalo Narrows, Hodgeville, Lancer, Medstead, Meota, and Shell Lake locations will move from three days a week to five day a week service. In addition, Innovation’s call centre will now be open seven days a week, with service Sundays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The service enhancement is part of Innovation’s plan to become a federal credit union over the next one to two years.

“We’re always striving to be responsive to the needs of our members,” says Innovation CEO Daniel Johnson. “Our research indicates that members prefer a call centre that’s open seven days a week so we’re thrilled to be able to offer personalized, local service that meets their demands.”

Innovation Credit Union members recently voted in favor of Innovation’s proposal to become the first federal credit union headquartered in Saskatchewan. It was the largest membership vote in the credit union’s history. A positive vote was a required first step in the approval process for Innovation. Over the next one to two years other provincial and federal approval bodies will be reviewing the federal credit union application.

“Our strategy moving towards becoming a federal credit union is to focus on digital growth, which means serving members across Canada with our existing professional and highly trained employees through online, telephone, and mobile banking,” says Innovation’s Board President, Bruce Sack. “Enhancing our service delivery channels strengthens our employees and our communities which is an exciting prospect.”

The announcement of the expanded hours of service comes on the heels of Innovation distributing $1 million back to its membership this month as part of its Member Rewards program.

“We really want to say thanks a million to our members for their business and continued support of our future direction. How fitting that our Member Rewards distribution this quarter is a million dollars,” says Innovation CEO Daniel Johnson. “We’re strongly rooted in Saskatchewan. You can see it reflected in our business plan, in our community investment of $5.2 million over the past 11 years; all the way down to our staff volunteerism efforts of close to 15,000 hours in 2017.”

Next on Innovation’s horizon is the potential amalgamation with Goodsoil and Pierceland credit unions in 2019. Goodsoil and Pierceland members will vote on the proposal in March.